Course curriculum


    2. Mental Health Course Agreement

    3. Agreement Survey

    4. 3 Tips for U Visa Applicants: You Must Know these Basic Principles #uvisa #immigrationtips Jere’My Rankins, MA LPC

    5. Uncovering Immigration Fraud: The Immigrant Couple's Staged Robbery Scheme #immigration #uvisa Jere’My Rankins, MA LPC

    6. Check Your Knowledge: About the Mental Health Course Agreement

    1. Introduction

    2. What Is Mental Health? The School of Life 8.99M subscribers

    3. Check Your Knowledge: Introduction to Brief Overview of the U Visa application

    4. Introduction to U Visa and Trauma

    5. Check Your Knowledge: Introduction to the U Visa and Trauma

    6. Understanding the Psychological Impact of Victimization

    7. Check Your Knowledge: Understanding the Psychological Impact of Victimization

    8. Introduction to the U Visa: A Path to Recovery and Stability

    9. Check Your Knowledge: Introduction to the U Visa A Path to Recovery and Stability

    1. Introduction

    2. How Your Trauma Explains Your Coping Mechanisms Psych2Go 12.1M subscribers

    3. Check Your Knowledge: Introduction to Recognizing Trauma and its Effects

    4. Definition and Types of Trauma Experienced by Victims of Crime

    5. Check Your Knowledge: Definition and Types of Trauma Experienced by Victims of Crime

    6. Common Mental Health Symptoms Associated with Trauma

    7. Check Your Knowledge: Common Mental Health Symptoms Associated with Trauma

    8. How Trauma Can Impact Daily Functioning and Well-being

    9. Check Your Knowledge: How Trauma Can Impact Daily Functioning and Well-being

    1. Introduction

    2. What Do I Think About Life Coaches? Kati Morton 1.38M subscribers

    3. Check Your Knowledge: Introduction to the Healing Journey: Mental Health Support for U Visa Applicants

    4. Importance of Mental Health Support in the U Visa Application Process

    5. Check Your Knowledge: Importance of Mental Health Support in the U Visa Application Process

    6. Accessing Trauma-Informed Care and Counseling Services

    7. Check Your Knowledge: Accessing Trauma-Informed Care and Counseling Services

    8. Strategies for Coping with Trauma and Building Resilience

    9. Check Your Knowledge: Strategies for Coping with Trauma and Building Resilience

    1. Introduction

    2. How to Deal With Trust Issues Psych2Go 12.1M subscribers

    3. Check Your Knowledge: introduction to Building Trust and Overcoming Barriers

    4. Challenges Faced by Victims of Crime in Seeking Help

    5. Check Your Knowledge: Challenges Faced by Victims of Crime in Seeking Help

    6. Addressing Cultural and Linguistic Barriers to Mental Health Services

    7. Check Your Knowledge: Addressing Cultural and Linguistic Barriers to Mental Health Services

    8. Building Trust with Law Enforcement and Legal Advocates

    9. Check Your Knowledge: Building Trust with Law Enforcement and Legal Advocates

    1. Introduction

    2. Abraham Hicks - Control vs Personal Empowerment Good Life 2.22K subscribers

    3. Check Your Knowledge: Introduction to Self-Care and Empowerment

    4. Practicing Self-Care Strategies for Emotional Well-being

    5. Check Your Knowledge: Practicing Self-Care Strategies for Emotional Well-being

    6. Cultivating Resilience in the Face of Adversity

    7. Check Your Knowledge: Cultivating Resilience in the Face of Adversity

    8. Empowering U Visa Applicants to Advocate for Their Mental Health Needs

    9. Check Your Knowledge: Empowering U Visa Applicants to Advocate for Their Mental Health Needs

About this course

  • $97.99
  • 80 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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